My name is Andrew and I created and maintain Guardian's Egypt. After my first visit to Egypt I was so taken with the country, its history, and the modern day culture that I began to collect an extensive library on Egypt and have continued to visit on a regular basis. I'm mainly interested in Egyptian history and archaeology and may eventually get my Ph.D. in Egyptology.
My personal studies have been very thorough consisting of extensive reading, classes at Yale University and many other assorted lectures, museum exhibits and documentaries featuring Egypt both ancient and modern. I started Guardian's Egypt on the Internet in 1994 as a comprehensive index of websites that feature all aspects of Egypt and Egyptology. I've continued to expand and improve the site to include original content. The goal of the site is to present Egypt in an archaeologically responsible light and create THE most complete and inclusive ancient Egypt website on the Internet.  I spend a lot of my own time constantly adding to the content and updating links to other Egypt sites throughout the web. My current main feature is the ongoing "CyberJourney to Egypt" which was created to allow people to visit the ancient monuments of Egypt from their very own computer. The first phase of the CyberJourney mainly presented Egyptian pyramids. Over my next few visits, I will be continuing with pyramids and also adding tombs, temples and antiquities. In addition to new pictures of the inside and outside of various sites and monuments, I will be featuring continuing interviews with the Secretary General for the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Dr. Zahi Hawass and others! I also created and maintain Dr. Hawass' official website, The Plateau at:

Outside the Pyramid of Khafre.  Photo: Copyright (c) 2001 - Brent Benjamin, All Rights Reserved
Giza 2001

My other credentials include a B.S. in Liberal Studies from the University of the State of New York and a D.C. degree from New York Chiropractic College. I am a licensed chiropractor in the states of  New York and Florida. You can read about chiropractic HERE.


Andrew at Giza - 1997
April 1998

Guardian's Egypt enjoys continued high acclaim from TV, magazines, newspapers and websites throughout the world. I receive praising e-mail on a daily basis from teachers, students, Egyptologists, officials and general Egypt enthusiasts.

If you know of any non-commercial websites that feature ancient Egypt, be sure to let me know so that I can check them out for possible inclusion in Guardian's Egypt.


Stay tuned and if you like what you see
please tell others about Guardian's Egypt!

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